Rosario Villarreal, Psychotherapist, Bodyworker, CSTC
Rosario Villarreal is a licensed psychotherapist trained in Gestalt and bodywork, and also a certified CranioSacral Therapist. Her life's dream is to strive to be the best person she can be, and be able to serve people. She has been a pioneer in bringing Gestalt to Mexico and has had the privilege of training with Laura Perls and Joseph Zinker, two of the Gestalt psychotherapy founders.
For more than 35 years she has been a psychotherapist and loves to train students in the art of accompanying people. Talking about the body-mind area she trained in Postural Integration with Jack Painter and Sexual Grounding with its creator, Wilhem Popelier.
Rosario worked for 15 years in two different clinics with radically different therapeutic philosophies that were devoted to eating disorders, anxiety, and depression. In one clinic, the philosophy was to offer psychotherapy to patients for 2 to 3 months at least to recover and work their problems; in the other, there was no psychotherapy provided unless a patient was so sick as to need hospitalization to save his or her life. She worked as an individual and group therapist in both clinics and the different treatment philosophies made it a profound learning experience.
Now she feels compelled to help, women especially, to learn that they are enough and that their beauty does not depend on the size of their clothes, or their outer looks, aiming to help them reduce the criticism they have on themselves.
Along with her associate, Margarita Soberón, Rosario helps people bring awareness to the way they relate to food and to use this relationship as a direct path to insight - specifically about the relationship a person has with herself and others. This, in turn, becomes a great arena to practice self-acceptance, love, and healthy ways to relate with themselves and with food.
Currently, she is co-founder of a group of psychotherapists called Sinergia in Mexico City with the objective of joining forces to reach and help people in an interdisciplinary way. She is also in partnership with Margarita Soberón offering workshops online and in-person to help people develop a better relationship with themselves through the way they relate to food.
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